Our service provision is contingent on obtaining and making use of your information. Therefore, our private policy explains how we collect, use and share information across Cyberspace Managers Ltd. At the same time, it explains the ways you can control your information, and that include Skiiishow Privacy and Security Settings. Of course, you must agree to the private policy to use Skiiishow.
Much as we want our service to be accessible to many, we want it to be secure, safe and use according to the law. Therefore, in order to be able to use Skiiishow, the following are our preconditions.
You must not be below 13 years old or within minimum legal age in your country to use Skiiishow.
You must not be prohibited from receiving any aspect of our service under applicable laws or engaging in payments-related services if you are on applicable denied party listing.
Your account must not have previously been disabled by us on account of violation of any law or any of our policies.
You must not have been previously convicted for sex offence.
Skiiishow is an innovative social media app that is marked by its distinction from other apps in the sense that it is dedicated to showcasing creative talents of any kind in videos and photos. The concept is to provide an app platform that houses videos and photos of great adventure in all areas of human endeavour such as sports, music, dance, drama skits, cultural festivals, and endearing photos of places, nature, historical artifacts, etc. Here, account holders with creative talent are afforded unlimited space to upload their content, video and photo, and this is appreciated by hundreds of thousands of other users of the app, thereby attracting business and mutually beneficial collaboration for them. At the same time, account holders of Skiiishow can network with each other on areas of interest, download, share and save content in their account storage, and also be able to comment on any content through text or voice note.
Skiiishow encourage account holders to exercise their creative energy in producing and sharing content that makes people to laugh and feel happy, and wonder at impossibilities of man’s creative talent in all fields. Content that clearly show nudity, pornography and sexual activity are not allowed on the app.
Skiiishow is very particular about moderation and so would not tolerate content that promote criminality such as drug abuse, violence that causes bodily harm and death, as well as pornographic materials. Therefore, anyone who upload or share content that promote the above and other criminal vices will be out rightly banned from using the app.
We may suspend any account on the grounds of an account holder’s violation of any of these clearly stated rules and policies of Cyberspace Managers Ltd, parent company of Skiiishow.
DISCLAIMER: Please get the PERMISSION from the owner before you repost videos or photos. Any unauthorized actions (re-uploading or downloading of contents) and/or violations of intellectual property rights are the sole responsibilities of users.