About us

Skiiishow is a storehouse or
repository for mobile videos and pictures

Our app is a easier and convenient for you to showcase your talent to the world, thereby attracting large following and business opportunities that will fetch you steady income from sales as well as royalties. What’s more, the app does not only help to launch your creativity but also link you up to a community of like-minds in the creative industries of the world

Our story behind our success & achievement

If you are a talented video content creator, comic skits maker or videos that challenge human imagination to the limit, thereby producing larger than life or too good to be true contents, Skiiishow application is created purposely for you. Skiiishow is an app that is developed to give you a convenient platform to showcase your creative talent in videos and artistic pictures production. The internet is already filled up with such wonderful and fascinating videos and pictures, but until you get your contents out there and is widely celebrated and acknowledged, it can never be said to be saturated. Skiiishow will launch your works into the world where they will be watched and appreciated, creating boundless opportunities for you in the creative industries across the world.

Why choos us

Company statistics

  • 0+


  • 1500+


  • 0 M+


  • 0M+


Our values

Our values driven by relations

Why choose our app
4.9 / 5.0 Rated on App store

Meet our team


Willium Scott

CEO & Abubakar Isah Bakori

Abdulrazak Yakubu Liman

Team Lead

Auwal Abubakar

Product Manager
Question & Answer

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry lorem Ipsu m has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the when an unknown printer.

Some placeholder content for the second accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

And lastly, the placeholder content for the third and final accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

Some placeholder content for the second accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

Some placeholder content for the second accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

And lastly, the placeholder content for the third and final accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

And lastly, the placeholder content for the third and final accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

And lastly, the placeholder content for the third and final accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

And lastly, the placeholder content for the third and final accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

FAQ Content Gose Here...

FAQ Content Gose Here...

FAQ Content Gose Here...

FAQ Content Gose Here...


Our app is available for Android & iOS

Our app is a easier and convenient for you to showcase your talent to the world