Skiishow Terms and Service

Cyberspace Managers Ltd, the parent company of Skiiishow, are engaged in the design and development of internet communication and software solutions that are intended to ease communication, create a community of creative talents housed under one platform, sharing and exchanging video and pictorial content of great interest and attracting for themselves prospective business and market that add value to their works and economic status. Therefore, your use of Skiiishow is guided by these service only and not covered by anything outside of it.

Skiishow is free and account holders are not charged when they log into the app to upload, watch, share and save videos and pictures, except activities that have business value for which the user benefits from. However, account holders may from time to time be exposed to adverts that have some connection with their creative interest, and this is determined from the information contained in your personal data.

Your personal data is strictly safeguarded and never transferred to anyone, advertisers or organization; same for information that identifies you. If there is any advertisement at all, it will only be shown to users whose creative talent and interest have some similarity to it.

The services we provide

Our company’s mission is to develop an application that will make online communication simple and easy to use by the generality of the public. However, Skiiishow is specifically developed to give opportunity to creative artist looking for reliable, safe and has wide reach to showcase their talents through mobile videos and pictures that demonstrate extreme talent, creativity and breathtakingly wonderful event, scene, and arts. At the same time that we provide platform for showcasing talents, Skiiishow also enable account holders to connect to other people on the basis of interest either in arts such as music, dance, sculpture, and other cultural ensembles or the allure of science, geography and the wild. In all of these areas, users can access and save videos and pictures and as well interact through text and voice comments against each video and pictures.

  • Platform for self-expression and representation:

    Skiiishow provides a platform for you to show what stuff you are made of. It is here that you can bring to life your dream of being seen and appreciated through your creative talent in the creation of top-notch videos and pictures of great wonder and fascination. This app launch you instantly into a world of infinite possibilities in a community of people longing for videos and pictures of adventure, extreme display of talents, comedy and fantasies. Skiiishow provides you with a pathway for public appreciation, fame, wealth and more.

  • Skiiishow connects you to a community of like-minds and interests:

    Besides providing a platform for self-expression, this app also allow you access to a community of people, friends and artists who engages you through your creative works either in videos or pictures. With this large and highly varied community, your creative works in videos and pictures are guaranteed of wide reach. Also, you can set up personalized status, access as many videos and pictures of great interest, share and save and make comments against them in text or voice note.

  • We link you up with content, products and services connected to your interest:

    What Skiiishow takes seriously is how to help you discover yourself in a number of ways, such as bringing to life your talent and connecting you with contents that have similarity with your interest. This way, the app introduce content of commercial value that have direct bearing with your creative talent and may attract beneficial business for you.

Where we derive funds for our service

It should be noted that we don’t charge you when you use Skiiishow, so how then do we fund our service, you may ask? When you log on to Skiiishow, it means you have agreed to the terms of use, hence you have subtly agreed that we can show you promotional adverts that businesses and organizations pay to be placed on services covered by Cyberspace Managers Limited. In showing you the advert, we are guided by the personal data you imputed which indicates your activity and interests. At the same time, we try our utmost best to show only adverts that are relevant to you.

These adverts are shown to you without the advertisers knowing you since your identity is not disclosed to them. Generally these advertisers disclose their business goals and interests and we provide them with prospective clients/customers that include you. So you belong to community of users who may be interested in one advert or the other that we show from time to time on the app.

We also go further by providing these advertisers with feedback on how their adverts have performed with a view to assist them appreciate how users receive their content on and off Skiishow. Moreover, unless you give express permission, we do not share your personal information which carries your name and email address that will make it easier for them to contact you. You may however see branded content on Skiiishow put up by account holders who are into commercial relationship with the advertisers mentioned above in order to promote their products and services.

  • Our Privacy Policy:

    Our service provision is contingent on obtaining and making use of your information. Therefore, our private policy explains how we collect, use and share information across Cyberspace Managers Ltd. At the same time, it explains the ways you can control your information, and that include Skiiishow Privacy and Security Settings. Of course, you must agree to the private policy to use Skiiishow.

  • Who can use skiiishow

    Much as we want our service to be accessible to many, we want it to be secure, safe and use according to the law. Therefore, in order to be able to use Skiiishow, the following are our preconditions

DISCLAIMER: Please get the PERMISSION from the owner before you repost videos or photos. Any unauthorized actions (re-uploading or downloading of contents) and/or violations of intellectual property rights are the sole responsibilities of users.